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Oil Paintings
"Green Cadillac Low Rider", o/c, 36" x 58", 2022 | "Rusted 51' Chevy", o/c, 36" x 48", 2023 | "Sinclair", o/c, 32" x 48", 2022 SOLD |
"Impala Pawn", o/c, 32" x 48", 2023 | "Twistee Treat", o/c, 48" x 48", 2019 SOLD | "Hardware Pickup", o/c, 36" x 48", 2018, SOLD |
"Hoe Bowl GTO", o/c, 38" x 60", 2018 SOLD | "Good Humor Ice Cream Truck", o/c, 36" x 48", 2018, SOLD | "Salton Sea Airstream Trailer Home", o/c, 24" x 32", 2017 SOLD |
"Allegheny Trailer Home", o/c, 48" x 66", 2018 | "Red and White Trailer Home", o/c, 24" x 32", 2017 SOLD | "Shasta Trailer Home". o/c, 24" x 32", 2017 SOLD |
"1951 Spartanette Trailer Home", o/c, 24" x 32", 2017 | "1949 Spartan Mansion Trailer Home", o/c, 32" x 48", 2017 | "Montana Trailer Home", o/c, 32" x 48", 2017 SOLD |
"1954 Kenskill Trailer Home", o/c, 24" x 32", 2017 SOLD | "Auto Body Trailer Home", o/c, 32" x 48", 2017 SOLD | "Painted Desert Trailer Home", o/c, 38" x 66", 2017 |
"Miss Oxford Diner", o/c, 24"x 42", 2013 SOLD | "Streamline Diner", o/c, 36" x 78", 2015 SOLD | "Frazer Diner", o/c, 30" x 50", 2004 SOLD |
"Tinman Diner", o/c, 40" x 66", 2004 SOLD | "Mohave Desert Trailer Home", o/c, 48" x 66", 2003 SOLD | "Modern Diner", o/c, 48" x 66", 2003 SOLD |
"Guest House Trailer Home", o/c, 40" x 50", 2002 SOLD | "Construction Trailer Home", o/c, 30" x 36", 2002 SOLD | "Hot Cup Diner", o/c, 42" x 54", 2001 SOLD |
"On the Sea of Tranquility", o/c, 36" x 48", 2001 SOLD | "The Love Shack", o/c, 66" x 84", 2001 SOLD | "Roadside Diner", o/c, 42" x 78", 1999 SOLD |
"Grand Street Diner", o/c, 42" x 54", 1999 SOLD | "American Diner", o/c, 66" x 84", 1993 SOLD |
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